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Why Owning a Home is Better Than Renting

The debate over renting or buying a home is a long-standing argument with personal opinions that can make sense from an individualistic background. For example, if you grew up in a home that your parents owned, you may have strong feelings about eventually owning a family home of your own. Opposite to this, if you […]

What’s the Deal with New Homes in El Paso?

Buying new homes in the city of El Paso is much easier than you might’ve initially thought. Instead of paying rent for an apartment you’ll eventually move out from, you’ll be able to make monthly mortgage payments and build equity! Once you finish paying off your home, you’ll hold the proud title of “Homeowner.” Even […]

Custom Home Builders Offer More

If you are in the market for a new home you definitely need to consider working with a custom home builder. You have the power to choose exactly what you want in your new home as well as many other benefits. When purchasing a pre-owned home you may end up compromising on things like the […]

Buying Homes in 2018 and Beyond

As 2017 comes to a close, just as when any other year come to an end, we wonder what the next year has in store for us. From hot new movies and book releases to fashion and business trends, there is a lot to look forward to. But how will 2018 affect the way people, […]

Moving from That Cramped Apartment to New Homes for Sale

Upon coming home from their honeymoon in Andorra, James and Rachel’s return to reality was rather abrupt. For years, the couple had been living together in a small, two-bedroom apartment. For years, that apartment was perfect. It housed all of James’s instruments and all of Rachel’s work-out equipment snugly. Although sometimes the apartment felt more […]

It’s Time to Talk Dream Homes

When you are looking to buy a new home, we all have a checklist of things we want. Perhaps it’s a spacious yard, or a big family style kitchen. Whatever it is, we all have our own preferences when it comes to our dream homes. However, sometimes it can be hard to find a home […]

What Home Buyers Should Keep In Mind When Searching for New Homes

When it comes to buying a home, you need to make sure the one you choose is perfect for you and your family. Some homes may look beautiful on the outside but the materials used may not be of the best quality. Of course, this may translate to a lower price point but, there’s a […]

Why Buying a Home Matters — The Benefits Of Homeownership

Sooner or later, the question comes up: should I buy a home? Homes tend to be the most important purchase someone can make, and cars follow closely behind. Similarly to cars, homes require constant payments. But unlike cars, homes are much more expensive and require mortgages. The big price tag tends to put fear in […]

Tips for Buying a New Home

You’ve had it. You’re tired of the small bedrooms, the one bathroom, and the tiny backyard. You’re tired of your neighbors and the strange smell that wafts through your vents. It’s time to move. So you begin looking at ads and anything with a for sale sign in the front yard, but soon realize how […]

Going Green in the Sun City — Four Creative Ways to be Energy Efficient

There’s no denying that we owe it to Mother Nature to go green. From using fewer plastic bags to recycling water bottles, there are many ways we can do so. One way is for us to live in energy-efficient homes. If you’re looking to hire someone to build a custom home for you, you can […]